Brandi Vanderwolf Photography

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How to Decide Who to Invite to Your Intimate Wedding or Elopement

Probably the most difficult decision of your Intimate wedding or elopement may be who to invite. While it seems to be just a generic society belief that everyone should be invited to your wedding, it is simply not true. Your wedding should be as intimate and as special as you want it to be, and no one is entitled to attend. So if you are trying to trim your guest list, here is a few suggestions:

 1.     What is the maximum amount of people you would like to attend?

Start here. How many people do you want to be the absolute maximum you invite to your day? If you end up cutting a few extras, then you know you don’t have to worry.

2.     How close are you to them?

While it might seem like a simple question, think about it in a little more depth. When was the last time you talked to them, truly talked, about your life? How much do they pay attention and care about what’s going on in your day to day? Are they more of a “call when I need something” or a “I really enjoy hanging out with you”? It doesn’t matter if they are family or a friend. If you really aren’t that close, they’re probably only planning to come to the wedding for free food.

3.     Are they important to both you and your partner?  

If they are important to you, but maybe have never met your partner, or don’t support you and your partner’s relationship, is it going to be special to you and your partner to have them there? As a general rule, if someone doesn’t support you and your partner’s relationship, it’s best to not invite them. You don’t need that negativity or stress on your wedding day.

4.     Will they need special accommodations for any activities you may have planned for your day?

This is not suggesting to not invite someone because of disabilities, however suggesting to take their possible accomadations into consideration. Do you need to pick a different ceremony site to be able to include them? Will it be difficult for them to included in the day? Consider adding a separate reception if it will affect them too much, so they can still be a part of your wedding and the festivities, without you having to compromise on what you want to do for your day.

5.     Are you inviting them because you feel you need to, or because you want to?

You and your partner should do this together. While one person may want to, the other may feel it’s only because of expectations that they are on the list. If you need to, use this as a last resort to trim the guest list, as you may cause some hurt feelings if you are cutting someone your partner wants to include, but you could care less about.


While elopements and intimate weddings are mostly stress-free, cutting down the guest list can be difficult. I hope these suggestions make it easier for you, and you wedding stress free!