Brandi Vanderwolf Photography

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3 Myths about Eloping

Have you heard about couples eloping, but not exactly sure what it means? Or maybe you have some preconceived notions about eloping, but not sure they are entirely true? 

Here are 3 Myths I want to Break about Eloping 

1.They are Valued Less Than a Traditional Wedding

This is completely false. All marriage ceremonies are as equal as the value that is perceived by the ones getting married. Just because they are different, and sometimes seen as unconventional, doesn’t mean that they are any less than a traditional wedding. Elopements put more emphasis on the couple and their love story, and what the couple enjoys doing than a regular wedding. They take the heart and soul of the couple and embed it into the entire marriage ceremony, focussing less on guests and more on their love and relationship. While traditional wedding ceremonies focus on others celebrating the couples love with them, both are perfect options, and of equal value. 

2. Elopements are Cheap, and Have to Stay that Way

While elopements can be cheap, they can also be as expensive as a multi hundred person wedding and reception, just as a traditional wedding can be relatively cheap. 

Depending on what you choose to do for an elopement can alter the price greatly. Want to go for a ride in a helicopter? Expect multiple thousands of dollars for a ride long enough to enjoy and perform a wedding ceremony. Want to just hike to the top of a mountain? As long as you have your gear, hiking usually doesn’t have a fee attached. 

There are many options of what you can do during your elopement, and depending on what kind of activities, meals, or accommodations you would like will factor into the cost. 

3. I Can’t Have Family or Friends at an Elopement

Who says you can’t have any family or friends at your elopement? It’s your day, you can invite whoever you want. However, generally elopements are in places that don’t allow large gatherings due to nature protections, and given that elopements focus on the couple, few guests are invited. 

If you choose to have more than 10-20 guests, consider having an intimate wedding so it is more accessible to guests, and adventuring out on your own after the ceremony. But if your guests are up for a day of adventure or whatever you have planned, and its within regulations of the place you are going, feel free to invite them!