Winter Engagement Adventure Session | Abraham Lake and Nordegg Area

When I heard about Jaclyn and Trevor’s engagement when they reached out about engagement photos, I was absolutely stoked! My excitement only grew more when they mentioned they were looking for frozen waterfalls, mountains, and adventure; my heart soared!

I helped them plan the perfect locations that would hopefully tick all the items off their wish list. The David Thompson Country area out by Nordegg, Alberta,  would be the perfect location. It would be quieter than anywhere in a National Park, while providing equally stunning views, while being less of a drive. Given that we were doing a winter session, we held out on solidifying a date until it was a little warmer, and we couldn’t have picked a more beautiful day!

Crescent Falls

We started at Crescent Falls. The beautiful blue iced waterfall cascaded down into the canyon, while everything else was silent. We had the place completely to ourselves. While it was unsafe to get to the bottom of the falls, we captured some stunning photos across the river, and walked a little ways up the creek to a cute little bridge. Frozen waterfall? Check.

 Coral Creek Canyon

An adventure session isn’t complete without the full adventure, so we drove a little ways down the David Thompson Highway to the Coral Creek Staging Area. Even on a Friday afternoon, there wasn’t a soul in sight. It was the perfect opportunity for a quiet, intimate hike through the forest.

After a couple small creek crossings, walking through the quiet conifer forest, (even spotting some big cat tracks in the fresh snow), we exited out onto the trail against the river.

While an adventure session with me isn’t a multiple hour photo session, that doesn’t mean we don’t take the opportunity for some stunning photos in beautiful scenery. Ultimately, I’m here to ensure that my couples have authentic, genuine experiences that speak to their love for one another, while capturing it in the most authentic way.

We all got a bit of a cardio workout walking back to the vehicles, but isn’t that a given part of any adventure? But we were on a timeline, to make it out to the lake before dark, even if it was cloudy and we weren’t expecting a sunset; that didn’t mean we didn’t have time for some intimate engagement photos on the bridge.

Abraham Lake

Famously hailed for its frozen methane bubbles, Abraham Lake is no joke for it’s stunning scenery and bright blue ice. It’s growing popularity means many of the pit stops along the lake gain visitors, but knowing the area well we stopped at one of the least popular spots, allowing us to have most of the area to ourselves to explore the beautiful blue ice and dramatic mountain scapes.

As the lake is a reservoir, as the water level lowers throughout the winter, the ice levels follow, leading to a downhill ice rink to the main lake. Cleats were recommended, however mukluks were worn instead, leading to a very interesting walk down to the lake! There was no shortage of laughter! Getting back up was even more hilarious, as the cow hide that was used for sitting on became the main traction device, and then the rope to pull her up! Even the wind played havoc on us, blowing our bag across the ice. If you’ve never seen a penguin run, all I suggest is going out to a windy lake. Someone will leave something on the ice to get blown away.

I don’t believe this experience will ever be forgotten.

Intimate Fire Photos

When I had originally suggested a fire to end off their evening, it took a couple seconds of pondering before the excitement level grew. We were doing this! Pajamas, hot cocoa, a fire by the lake… It couldn’t get any better.

Even though the wind was howling, and the temperature was dropping, the fire was lit, the chair unfolded, and curling up under the blanket ensued.

We ended off the night with sparklers, a perfect send off for a perfect adventure session.


Jaclyn and Trevor, I wish the two of you the absolute best in your future together, with so many more adventures to come!

Interested in more about adventure sessions? They are the perfect way to celebrate your love, whether it’s for a proposal, an engagement, elopement, anniversary, or just as an experience for the two of you. There are so many amazing places to explore, sights to see, adventures to partake in.

Need help deciding what the two of you should do? Planning is one of my favorites! Let’s plan an adventure session perfectly curated for the two of you, and something you will never forget.


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