What TIme of Day Should I get Married?

While planning your wedding, you will at some point have to decide when you exactly want to get married. Do you want a sunrise wedding, sunset, or middle of the day? Or do something completely different and get married in the pitch dark under the starry sky?

What Time of Day Should I Have my Wedding Ceremony?

As a photographer, lighting is one of the first things that we think about when planning when to do photos, and therefore, the best time for a ceremony. And while a lot of it comes down to personal preference, and the style of wedding you are having, there are a couple of things to keep in mind.

The absolute best time for photos is when the sun is low in the sky (or when there is plenty of clouds to cover the sun). This is due to the fact the light is soft, and won’t cast harsh, unpleasant photos on both you and your partner and any guests that may be attending. But for the most part, many couples don’t want to wake up at 2 am for a sunrise ceremony in the summer in Canada, (even though it can be one of the most amazing experiences), so the other option is to stay out later for sunset.

Many people opt for a middle of the day ceremony as it works best for convenience and planning the rest of the timeline, which is perfectly ok! Just understand that photos taken in the middle of the day can look much different than those taken at golden hour(the hour after sunrise or directly before sunset) or blue hour(the hour before sunrise or directly after sunset).

While planning what time to schedule your ceremony, also keep in mind what other activities you are trying to plan in as well. Planning a sunrise ceremony will mean you have to get up early, but you can fill the entire day with other events and activities to make it memorable (including a possible nap). However, planning a sunset ceremony means that if you want to do anything after the ceremony, it will likely be dark unless you bring artificial lighting or go indoors. And if you are hoping to avoid seeing your partner until the ceremony, that can mean you have most of the wedding day with out being together with them.

See below some examples of photos taken at various parts of the day to give you an idea of what you can expect.

Examples of Sunrise Photos:

Check out this Beautiful Summit Sunrise Elopement in Kananaskis Country

Examples of Sunny Wedding Photos when the Ceremony is in the Middle of the Day

Just a note: All photographers will have a slightly different style, but professional photographers will understand how to navigate harsh light and still ensure the best, most flattering photos. Do your research, and find a photographer who can show you examples of their bright sunny photos, to ensure that you are happy with how they take photos in bright light.

Examples of Wedding Photos Taken at Sunset

Examples of Wedding Photos Taken at Blue Hour

Need help planning your wedding timeline?

As your intimate wedding and elopement photographer, part of my job is to help you achieve your dream wedding goals, including helping you put together a timeline that will ensure the best moments happen and are captured with the best photos. Sound like what you are looking for?


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