Adventure Elopements Explained

Hiking elopement in the mountains while it is snowing. Couple is staring out into the landscape, dressed in wedding attire.

Let’s start, what is an elopement?

Traditionally, elopements had a negative connotation, and much of society viewed it as an absolutely horrible thing for the couple to do. What do you mean you ran off and got married in secret? So taboo!

Elopements have become so much more popular, and are generally accepted by society today. They are an amazing alternative for couples who do not enjoy large functions, being in the spotlight with plenty of people staring during some of your most intimate moments, partying… Most people know what a traditional wedding looks like, most of us have been to one, if not many, but how many people truly know what to expect from an elopement, let alone an adventure elopement?

How is an elopement different than a wedding?

Where a wedding traditionally focusses on serving the people who come to the wedding, through the vision of the couple (caterers, large venues, DJ’s), an elopement focusses on exclusively serving the vision and intimacy of the couple themselves. The couple is the focus, YOU are the focus, your love story is the most important.

You can structure your elopement however you want to, you don’t have to follow a generic structure such as ceremony to cake and supper and reception. Do you want to have breakfast together? Get dressed in the same room? Go hiking and then say your vows on top of a mountain? The options are endless.

Generally, since elopements are about the couple, few if any people are invited to be in attendance. Invite the people who are most important to both of you, or if you want ultimate intimacy, just have an officiant and your photographer, and another as a witness if needed where you are getting married.

The important thing to remember is that it’s about what you and your partner want to do the most.

So what then is an adventure elopement?

Adventure elopements are for the crazy, the intimate, the in love, the invested, the wanderlusters, the travellers, the rule breakers. Everyone in between.

What do you consider an adventure? What do both you and your partner do in your free time? What is something you have always wanted to do, but haven’t done yet?

What if you could do that when you get married?

Adventure elopements are very open as to what you can do with them. Want to kayak a glacier lake? Take a helicopter ride? Hike to the top of a mountain? Sit and cozy up in an Airbnb?

Adventures are the most exciting and epic thing you could do for your wedding. And if any of these ideas excite you, you should consider it.

It’s the perfect way to kindle and grow your relationship on one of the most important steps of your journey together. When do you both most connect? Would it be at a large traditional wedding? Or would it be doing something adventurous that you both will never forget, or regret?

Hiking elopement through larch trees. Just married

But what about everyone else who wants to be at our wedding?

Just because you don’t invite everyone (or anyone if that’s preferred!) to your wedding, doesn’t mean that they miss out on the experience entirely! Elopements are so important to have an experienced photographer capture so you can still share those moments with all of your friends and family, and most importantly, to help both of you relive those moments yourself whether you need a pick me up, a moment of happiness, or to help rekindle your love if times get tough. Even more important, your photographer will ensure that your elopement still stays true to the two of you, while being unintrusive but capturing even the most intimate of moments. 

While you won’t have many people around to help you remember your day, hiring a professional elopement photographer who can help you plan exactly what speaks to your story most for your day will ensure you have these memories to share, and cherish for the rest of your life.

Adventure Elopements Explained

What Time of Day to Plan for Photos